

nourishment ​OFFSITE

This is an offsite for femme-centered Leaders who take the radical posture of slowing ​down to help us see what is catching up to us, and what we're catching up to.

This remembrance and discovery allows us to connect with our innate power and lead from ​a place of genuine authenticity and strength.

Dr. Andrea Millen and Rev. Lisa Q. Fetterman extend their warmest invitation to you to let ​in the nourishment of the season. Let's come together to embrace and receive fully the ​harvest of abundance within us.


Coaching Preparation Meeting:

- Virtual: Wednesday, 10/9/24, 6-7:30p PST

Coaching + Ketamine Experiential Offsite:

- In-Person: Friday, 10/18/24, 10a-4p PST, Intramuscular (IM) Ketamine psycholytic dose

- In-Person: Saturday, 10/19/24, 10a-3p PST, Intramuscular (IM) Ketamine mid dose

- In-Person: Sunday, 10/20/24, 10a-1p PST, Integration

Coaching Integration Meeting:

- Virtual: Wednesday, 10/30/24, 6-8p PST

What to expect

- one pre-offsite group coaching session: We will identify our intentions and build our ​group container to call in nourishment.

- two half-day group ketamine offsite sessions: We will relax into the alignment of ​nourishment and give the burdened parts of us some reprieve.

- two post-offsite group integration coaching sessions: We will experience the continued ​unfolding nourishment has for us and embody it to lead.

Final Date to Apply

Tuesday, 10/8/24. Applications will be accepted until October 8th, 2024 to ensure you will ​have time to schedule a medical screening with medical faculty prior to the in-person ​portion of the Offsite.

Lead Embodied Members:

BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ affirming. Space will be limited up to 12 femme-centered / femme-​identified participants. Our Offsite group is deliberately small to support the container's ​intentionality and connection. We reserve the right to close the container before it reaches ​12 members. Candidates will be carefully and heart-fully screened on a first come, first ​serve basis.


San Francisco, Mission District. Location disclosed upon acceptance.

Subtotal Cost:

Apply and pay by September 21st: $1,650*

Apply and pay by October 8th: $2,150*

*50% of subtotal due upon registration approval

In addition to:

*Medical assessment fee and Ketamine prescription fee by Dr. Crystal Dawn, MD: $350

and a 30 min Virtual Meet + Greet Screen with Lisa and/or Andrea is required and included ​in subtotal cost

*Please note under all Lead Embodied offerings and coaching roles, Andrea Millen will not be working as a ​licensed psychologist.


We use the term Offsite to describe our in-person group leadership coaching, including ​ketamine experientials. “Offsite” is a business term commonly indicating a more casual ​meeting of the minds, usually not at the office and off-the-record. The privacy and ​structure offered creates a space where ideas can incubate and people can try out ​different ways of being with less judgment.

Lead Embodied Offsites are different from retreats because we are not backing down from ​anything, we are contacting what is emerging. The subtle difference between the two ​postures can reflect an escape or an integration. Both are necessary in the ebb and flow of ​life.

Curious about learning more about what ketamine is and why Offsites integrate ketamine-​assisted coaching? Click here to learn more from our medical faculty!