
  • Integrity
    • We are committed to honesty, fairness, and respect in all our interactions. Our actions are guided by the ​ethical principle of doing no harm and fostering belonging. You can expect us to be as clear as we can in ​our communications. We will take responsibility for our missteps, as we welcome mistakes and feedback ​as opportunities for growth and accountability. We’re here to explore the differences between intent and ​impact.

  • Compassion
    • We recognize our shared humanity and approach our clients, ourselves, and the environment with love ​and understanding. To be compassionate is to be discerning, remembering that each person is already ​whole. Our actions reflect a deep care for others.

  • Authenticity
    • We celebrate the courage it takes to be authentic. Embracing our differences, we foster an environment ​of openness and vulnerability. Authenticity means being true to ourselves and each other, allowing our ​unique voices and perspectives to be heard. We encourage everyone to bring more of their whole selves ​to the moment, creating a space where genuine connections can thrive.

  • Gratitude
    • We approach each other with humility and respect, recognizing opportunities to contribute. By practicing ​gratitude, we nourish ourselves and those around us, which strengthens our Lead Embodied community.


Everyday at Lead Embodied we offer a space where Leaders move closer to the source of their aliveness. Our ​unique interdisciplinary coaching approach draws on many different tools because your embodiment directly ​affects the systems you support and sustain.


Lead Embodied is here to contribute to a shift in modern Leadership, expanding a community of Leaders that are ​more embodied, present, and aware in their lives, with the people they serve, and in the world. We coach leaders ​to connect to their innate wisdom and body’s intelligence, reclaim their personal power, and lead from an ​authentic, aligned place.

Diversity Statement

Lead Embodied’s coaching approach is informed by social justice and cultural humility. The commitment to ​exploring and dismantling internalized white supremacy on both a personal and professional level is an integral ​part of Lead Embodied’s group coaching. We recognize the long-standing barriers for BIPOC to access coaching ​as well as the impact of systemic racism, inequities, and discrimination. Increasing BIPOC representation in ​business/tech leadership and improving access to culturally-informed leadership coaching is vital. In our work ​together, we invite conversations about how our identities impact our coaching relationship.

Why lead embodied

Origin Story

The idea for Lead Embodied was sparked in 2022 from a meaningful conversation between Andrea and a ​colleague that envisioned a new holistic approach to support leaders. At the time, Andrea was offering executive ​leadership coaching and consulting, and, separately, assisting in Ketamine Assisted Therapy training for therapists ​and medical professionals. The concept of interdisciplinary leadership coaching emerged, combining executive ​group coaching, somatic/embodiment practices, and ketamine experientials.

Soon after, Andreas' paths crossed with Lisa, an entrepreneur/founder/CEO, leadership coach, and licensed ​minister at the Congregation for Sacred Practices. At the time, Lisa was involved in offering individual and group ​business coaching and was drawn to the idea of co-creating a company that wove coaching, medicine, and ​somatics, making a profound impact in leaders’ lives and the world at large.

Their first Zoom call made a profound impact! Both women discovered a shared vision and values, as well as ​different and complementary strengths to bring Lead Embodied to life.

Lisa and Andrea’s experience with clients’ aspirations and pain points revealed a deeper need for Leaders to feel ​more embodied in their leadership and life. Many of their coaching clients recognized that embodiment (feeling ​more connected to their emotions, body, mind, and spirit) could be a vital missing link in sustaining their vision ​and impact.

From 2022 through 2024, Andrea and Lisa began building mutual trust as co-founders and co-creators. The ​process of developing trust and collaboration required them to slow… down… truly getting to know each other ​as whole humans and experimenting with creating Lead Embodied from an embodied posture. The throughline of ​their relationship continues to be integrity.

We understand the profound influence leaders have on their companies and ecosystems. We believe that the ​health of people in Leadership roles directly affects the wellness of the entire ecosystem.

Like you, we are lifelong learners. We continually aim to bring our full, authentic selves into the Lead Embodied ​space. We embrace our edges and soften towards the pulls of perfectionism and over-extension. We invite you to ​join us as we see what reveals and unfolds, celebrating the wholeness within each of us.

Andrea Millen

brings over 15 years of psychology experience*, having made significant ​strides in the mental health field through her involvement in pioneering ​ketamine research at Stanford University. She has served as an assistant ​and presenter at ketamine therapy trainings, and is interested in ​advancing the understanding and application of ketamine in both ​therapeutic and coaching settings.

Beyond academia, Andrea has profoundly impacted the business world as ​a coach and consultant for VC-backed startups. Specializing in ​transformational team coaching, she has worked with companies ​exceeding 150 employees and over $100M in annual recurring revenue, ​focusing on improving group dynamics and optimizing people systems.

Her holistic approach to embodiment is further enriched by her ​certification in Akhanda Yoga, emphasizing practices that support the ​mind-body-heart connection.

Andrea’s work embodies a unique blend of scientific rigor, business ​acumen, and a deep understanding of human psychology, making her a ​vanguard in both the clinical and corporate realms.

*While Andrea Millen holds a PsyD and has extensive experience as a ​licensed psychologist, in all Lead Embodied offerings and coaching roles, ​she will strictly serve as a coach. In this capacity, Andrea will not be ​working as a licensed psychologist. This distinction ensures that her role ​at Lead Embodied is clear, transparent, and separate from her clinical ​practice.

Rev. Lisa Q. Fetterman

is a Y Combinator backed entrepreneur and coach with 14 years of ​business experience. Her innovative leadership and facilitation skills have ​made her a sought-after business group facilitator for VC-backed and ​bootstrapped unicorns.

Lisa's expertise is recognized by MAPS, TEDx, and SXSW, where she ​shares insights on entrepreneurship, psychedelics, and innovation.

Her academic contributions as a lecturer at Stanford and Berkeley further ​showcase her commitment to educating the next generation of leaders.

Notably, Lisa's role as a Psychedelic Minister bridges the gap between ​spirituality and leadership, offering a unique perspective on personal and ​professional development.

Her accolades include recognition on Forbes, Zagat, and Inc's 30 under ​30 lists, underscoring her influence in the business world.

Lisa is also an international bestselling author and the inventor of the ​Home Sous Vide, a revolutionary cooking device that has transformed ​cuisine.

Beyond her entrepreneurial and academic pursuits, Lisa runs a private ​practice in psychedelic ceremony, offering both one-on-one and group ​sessions.

Dr. Crystal Dawn, MD

is rooted in the ancient wisdom of the earth and brings a unique ​perspective to the realm of functional medicine and family ​medicine.

Crystal’s path is one of integration, seamlessly blending the sacred ​with the scientific. Board-certified in family medicine, her expertise ​extends beyond conventional approaches, guided by a functional ​medicine philosophy that delves into the root causes of health ​issues.

Her commitment to personalized well-being is amplified by the ​transformative power of Clarity Breathwork, nutrigenomics, ​wellness retreats, lifestyle medicine counseling, and ketamine-​assisted therapy.

It is within this sacred blend of practices that she guides individuals ​toward a holistic and enduring state of wellness, honoring the ​interconnectedness of mind, body, spirit, and the healing energies ​of the earth.

Start your journey

Lead Embodied with us! Let’s connect and see what unfolds.